Friday, June 17, 2011

June 17th/ 37 weeks 2 days

On Tuesday the 14th we had our check-up with Dr. Lake. He came in and told us we were going to do the C-Section earlier, which we already knew. We talked about doing it on Thursday the 16th (yesterday) and even started to plan the Pre-Op appointment but after going in for the Bio-phyical Dr. Lake decided to wait until Monday the 20th so I will be almost 38 weeks. I think his thinking is the same as mine, that the longer Tristan stays in the more developed his lungs and everything will be. However,  Dr. Allaire didn't want us to go over 38 weeks so he didn't want to go against him either. He said the reason that Dr. Allaire doesn't want us to go over is because the risk of still-birth goes up. So we have one last check-up which is today (Friday) for a non-stress test. Since Dr. Lake isn't going to be in today he went ahead and did all of our Pre-Op paperwork and discussed the risks of the c-section and ofcourse the negative possiblities with the baby which even though I know what they are, it is still really hard to hear. I had just finally put a lot of the negatives out of my mind and was getting excited but now I'm very worried about Tristan and if he is going to be ok again. I keep telling myself that he has been doing awesome the whole time with showing signs of breathing and swallowing and his chest is measuring normal and we have been throughly watched and checked out by doctors so he will be ok. I guess all I can do really is pray and we will find out in just 3 more days. After my checkup today then I have to be at the hospital for Pre-Op so it's going to be another long day of doctors appointments. On a lighter note, yesterday we went and had Destiny a Big Sister Shirt made. It's so cute. It's pink and the front says "Big Sister" in green, ofcourse since it's her favorite and the back has her name on it. Also Jess bought her a white and pink bow that says "Big Sister". Last night was Devin's last night of work until July 5th so we are excited about that. We get the weekend together before Tristan's arrival Monday.

Thanks everyone in advance for your prayers and support! We really appreciate it!!

Friday, June 10, 2011

36 weeks 2 days

So we had our last check-up with Dr. Allaire our perinatologist today. Tristan is still doing good head and chest still growing and measuring good! His femurs do not look as bowed to me anymore. Now his lower arms looked bowed. His hydrocelphus is still around the same. Dr. A asked if we had our C-Section scheduled and I said yes for the 29th which is 39 weeks and he made a wierd face. He said I thought we talked about going sooner. I told him that I guess the other doctors were waiting for him to say when which he said he already told Dr. Lake. Long story short he said that he wants us to have him between 37 and 38 weeks! He said 37 wks 4 days is ok but he does not want us to go to 38....sooo looks like we will probably be having a baby next week! He was calling Dr. Lake as we left. I'm not sure if Dr. Lake's office will call with the new date or if when we go in they will just send us from there to the hospital. So nervous and excited!

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

35Wks 7days/ June 7th

I had an apointment with my regular OB today. I was checked the first time for dialation today. I was not dialated any but my cervix was soft but not uncommonly soft considering this is my 2nd baby. Then we went in for the Non-Stress Test. We were picking up contractions today but most likely braxton hicks since they were not painful, I just felt an uncomfortable tightening feeling in my lower adbomen. They were going up to like 85 on the machine today though so much stronger than before. Also Tristan's heartrate kept going up really high and alarms were going off. The nurse came in and buzzed him which made the alarms go off even more. I was kinda freaking out but they said everything looked good and we were sent home.

We have our appointment with Dr. Allaire on Friday and another OB appointment on Tuesday.

Exactly 3 weeks from tomorrow is our scheduled C-Section date! So excited and nervous! Even though the doctors like to keep pointing out, IF we make it till then...

Saturday, June 4, 2011

35 Weeks 3 days

So I haven't updated on my last few doctor appointments. Everything has been going well and nothing new to report. Tristan always gives great Bio-physicals as well as Non-Stress Tests. Friday's appointment Dr. Lake told me to make sure I have my bags packed incase we should go early since I am almost 36 weeks now. Cannot believe at the most 3 weeks from Wednesday we will have a baby! I'm so nervous and anxious to see our little guy and praying that everything goes well and that he is okay depsite everything else!

Next week I have an appointment with Dr. Cox on Tuesday since Dr. Lake will not be in the office and we go back to Dr. Allaire on Friday.